Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Dreams Get Shattered Soon?

So far so good. I'm here for the third day in a row. (I'll try not to break my arm patting myself on the back!) I read on one of the blog advice postings that when you start a blog you need to post often. I think once a day should count as often, don't you?

I watched the 2-hour plus a few minutes extra of American Idol - here's what I think:
Lil, Kris, Matt, Michael, and Megan were OK. Note to Megan: do not dance again, ever.
Allison was awesome! She may be only 16 but her voice is about 35. She's kind of goofy before and after she takes the stage, but of course she is a teenager. When she gets out in the spotlight she's in her element. She may not win, but I bet somebody gives her a contract. I still don't really like the fake red hair, but the shorter style is better.
Alexis was good, I thought. Better than the judges gave her credit for anyway.
Danny was great. He can't dance either (see note to Megan) but he managed to pull it off. I can't figure out why, but it worked for him. He was good enough that I actually forgot about his dead wife.
Scott is blind, so he'll probably be around for awhile. Nobody wants to pick on a blind guy, but last night wasn't one of his better efforts. Michael Jackson songs and Scott just don't go together.
Anoop. What can I say? Other than don't ever try to be like Mike again. In his defense, I have to say that if the judges thought "Beat It" was untouchable and iconically Michael Jackson (I think those were a couple of the comments.) they never should have included it in the song choices. Thank God nobody took on "Thriller" or someone would have stroked out right there on live TV.
Jasmine and Jorge: It's time to go! The more I see of Jasmine the less I like her and Jorge just creeps me out.
And finally, Adam. I know rumors have abounded lately about his man-kissing photos and his gayness and blah, blah, blah. Here's the deal - I just don't care! He's hot and he's definitely got presence and a voice to die for. Do I like his hair and nail polish? Not particularly. I must admit I kind of like the "guyliner" around his eyes. (Don't tell my sons or I'll get way too much grief about that! ) Anyway, his was the best performance of the night and we all know he'll be around for awhile.
I'm anxiously awaiting tonight's results so I can either congratulate myself for being right, or yell at the TV because the voters are stupid. Speaking of voting - I did my part and spent 37 minutes hitting redial until I got through to Adam's number.

My plan to work on my novelty-yarn blanket didn't work out - not enough leftover yarn to do anymore just yet! Which means sometime soon I'll have to take a break from these blankets and make some more scarves so I can have leftover yarn for that blanket (this process is one of those never-ending loops). In the meantime, I have my blues, browns, greens, darker colors blanket to work on. It's made with leftovers, too, with 4 rows of a beige fiesta (light brown w/blue, green, and burgundy flecks) between the color changes. It could be for one of my boys - they'll accept knitting from me if it's not girly-looking (their phrase, not mine). This one will look great in a guy's place, so when it's done I'll find a guy for it to live with.

I guess I should explain about my knitting. I mentioned the first time that I'm no expert. I'm not even ambitious. I just like to knit. (Or purl. Or a combination of both.) But I only do scarves and blankets. Why? Because I don't want to have to follow a pattern and get frustrated when I screw whatever it is up. And I would screw it up, trust me. So I make up my own patterns for scarves and I never have to write anything down because they all consist of casting on as many stitches as I think I need for the yarn I have and then kniting until I think it's done. It works well for me. I do like to combine different types of yarn and see what happens, and sometimes I add buttons, fabric, jewelry, whatever, to them when I'm done knitting. I give them all names, too. Not names like Joe and Marsha, but names like Mountain Amethyst or Monet's River. The names seem to come into my head as I'm knitting. Don't laugh - the voices in my head could say much meaner things than scarf names. :o)

That's it for this time. I should get off the computer and find something to cook for dinner.

Enjoy the evening!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging -- I hope you find it as enjoyable as I do!


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