Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm Ready for Summer!

I drove to work this morning through a dusting of snow and the temperature was down close to single digits. The last couple of weeks we've been spoiled - it's been in the 60's and one day a record-high 80. So you can't really blame me for thinking winter was over. Reality check - winter doesn't officially end for another week and experience tells me we will probably have a big spring snowstorm (or two). But I want it to be summer. For a number of reasons: hot weather, end of the school year, annual girls' trip to Mexico. I'm just not a cold-weather person. I know that our area is relatively mild compared to some (I could never in a million years live in Minnesota), but the older I get the less I like anything below 60. Sunshine, at least, is not a problem - we average something like 325 days of sun a year (take that, Seattle!) but I definitely prefer the sun/heat vs. the sun/it's *&%^ cold. At heart, I'm a beach & ocean person. So of course I live in a land-locked state. :o) My dream retirement would be a small house on a beach somewhere. Whenever I mention this (in passing, retirement isn't really anywhere on the horizon), my husband just gives me the "look". The one that says "dream on, babe". Unfortunately, not only do I live in a land-locked state, I'm married to a man with a sun allergy. The first time we went to Mexico together, he broke out in horrible blisters after two hours of beach time. So he spent the rest of the week wearing a T-shirt even in the pool and sitting in the shade. Bummer. It's probably safe to say that I'm not going to get that beach house. But, hey, a girl can dream, right? This problem of his prompted the start of the aforementioned annual girls' trip. Anyway, I have about 13 weeks left until this year's trip. I could probably tell you exactly how many days it is, but I don't want to seem obsessive.
Another week of school done. One more week and Spring Break will be here. The kids are getting antsy and so is the staff. We finished our state-mandated testing this week and there was a collective sigh of relief that it's over. It's too bad the break can't start the day after testing - we'd all be happy then. No big plans for the weekend. It's my week of after-hours call for the local domestice violence center, so can't go out of town. That's OK - I'm in a "put on sweatpants and stay at home" mood anyway.
Knitting update: Still working on the "guy" blanket. Since it's been cold, it's kind of nice to be working on a blanket - it keeps me warm as I work on it. I'm itching to do another scarf, but I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't do another one until I got my bedroom project done. This project involves moving me and hubby into a different bedroom, turning another bedroom into a real guest room (as opposed to the storage room it is now!), and making my current bedroom into an office/hobby room. Why do all the moving? Right now, our bedroom is what used to be the garage - we converted it shortly after we got married and realized the two adults, four boys, and one girl just weren't going to fit in what we had. It's OK as a bedroom, but now that only one child is left at home and two "real" bedrooms are available, I want to move back into one. Plus the garage-bedroom is bigger and will be a better place for me to keep all my stuff. My hope is that I'll organize it better and be able to find things when I want them. That's my plan anyway. This is all going to happen when Spring Break gets here. Jordan owes me money so I told him he could work it off by helping me move everything around. We'll see. :o)
Enjoy the weekend!

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