Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hump Day

And now we're on the downhill side on our way to the weekend. Today I actually felt closer to my normal self than I have in a week or so, so maybe this bug or virus or whatever is on its way out the damn door. I had a busy, busy day at work which always makes the time go by faster, but I always get caught just before the bell rings with about four things left to do. (Sigh) Oh, well - there's always tomorrow.

Last night's American Idol could have been subtitled A Cure for Insomnia. The theme was songs from movies, which means seven people could choose from about a bazillion songs and what do we get - mostly slow snoozefest stuff. Seriously, I'm hard pressed to remember most of the performances. I could look at my notes but I quit taking notes because: 1. With only 7 left, it should be easy to keep track, 2. Hubby made me an omelet and I couldn't eat and write at the same time (well, I could have but it would have been messy) and 3. after I re-read the post where I talked about taking notes it sounded sort of pretentious and stupid. After all, it's not like I'm getting paid to do this (wouldn't that be great if I could???!!!). So I skipped the notes. So here goes:

Allison - that Aerosmith song from "Armageddon" - I thought she did a good job but I was hoping for something else. I don't know what, just something else.

Anoop - some Bryan Adams song from some movie - the judges liked it, but it thought it was Boring with a capital B.

Adam - "Born to be Wild" - not his best performance, but so what. He's awesome, and he was energetic. I need to get eyeliner lessons from him. I'm pretty good with my make-up (years, and I mean years, of practice), but his eyeliner (or guyliner, whatever) was great. It took me 48 minutes to get through to vote for him, and I completely ran my battery down, so I think he's probably safe.

Danny - "Endless Love" - yes, we know he was singing it to his dead wife. Sweet. And where were his glasses? Did he get contacts? Do I really care?

Matt - some other Bryan Adams song from some other movie. Mediocre at best and a big disappointment. He can do better.

Kris - a song I never heard of from a movie I never heard of. I can't remember much, but I think I liked it.

Lil - "The Rose" from Bette Midler's "The Rose" - Finally, a trainwreck to make the night interesting. I thought it was a disaster from start to finish and if there's any justice she'll be the one to go. Plus she got all snippy with Simon and I hate it when they do that. Not just to Simon but any of the judges. They should keep their comments to themselves, not stand up there and talk back to the people that got them there in the first place.

I can see Matt, Lil, and either Anoop or Kris being in the bottom three. We'll find out soon.

On to other things. It looks like Janie and I talked our co-worker Michelle into coming to Mexico with us. She can only stay for one week, but it's better than not going at all. The more the merrier. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she can get on the same flight with us, too.

Yet another spring snowstorm is supposed to be on its way. I'm so done with snow. I want spring. Well, actually I want summer but I realize I'll have to wait for that. Anyway, this storm is supposed to come in tomorrow evening. I have a dinner meeting in Colorado Springs tomorrow night. I'm not liking my prospects: I can go to the meeting and possibly have a bad drive home or not go to the meeting and miss important stuff I need for a conference I'm attending in Denver next week. Of course, this is Colorado which means: a. the storm might not actually get here, b. the storm might not be much more than a few flakes, or c., the storm might turn into a screaming blizzard and roads will get closed. No way to tell until it's actually time to go, and even then things could change drastically while I'm at the meeting. So...I don't know what I'm going to do.

I'm going to stop writing now. I'm stressing about the storm I can't control so I should do something relaxing. Hey, I think I'll knit!!! Maybe I'll actually finish something someday soon. :o)

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